HydroGeoLogica specializes in hydrogeology, geochemistry, water management, mine waste management and water quality services. We develop pragmatic cost-effective solutions by integrating technical expertise, experience and common sense in addressing your water-related issues.
Our professional staff are trained in geology, chemistry, geochemistry, hydrogeology, environmental sciences, and other earth science disciplines.
services summary
HydroGeoLogica’s specialized toolkit includes:
Dynamic Systems Models (e.g., GoldSim)
Equilibrium Geochemical Models (e.g., PhreeqC, Geochemists Workbench)
Dynamic Links between GoldSim and PHREEQC for Water and Solute Balance Modeling
Saturated and Unsaturated Groundwater Flow Models - 2D and 3D (e.g., Seep/W, FEFLOW, MODFLOW)
Infiltration Modeling and Analysis (HYDRUS)
Aquifer Test Analyses (e.g., FlowDim, AQTESOLV)
Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (ArcGIS)
Visual Basic Applications for Access and Excel